2.Your''Advancepayment for product purchase''is fully refundable and will be released into''your Mykese product wallet account'', as per the schedule, for e shoppe, from the company's website, www.mykese.com, orour''Mykese'' Android mobile application.
In fact, the amount of ''advance payment for product purchase'' may be insufficient; therefore, even after making the purchase with this ’’Advance payment for product purchase''amount,ifthemonthlyretailsalescommissionincomeislessthantherequired amount in your Mykese product wallet account, you will again have to deposit the required amount for ’’Advance payment for product purchase''.
3.The ‘’Registration fee’’ for generating the customer’s ID and password is ''non- refundable'' under any circumstances whatsoever.
Thisbenefitisonlyforthose’’loyal''and''active''Mykeseregisteredcustomerswho purchase essential grocery products from the company each and every month, regularly, for a constant 12 months from the date of their joining.
Andwithinthefirst12monthsoftheirjoining,ifheorshe,thecustomer,stopsbuying essential grocery products each and every month from the company, his or her monthly retailsalescommissionincomewillnotbereleased,andhisorherMykeseproductwallet account will be locked automatically.
And even after 12 months, if you, the customer don't buy in a month, youthe customer won’t get the commission for that month. You will get the commission for the month you buy.
6.Allmonthlyretailsalescommissionincomeiscalculatedandwillbepaidonamonthly basis, that is, business done between the first date and the Last date of every month, into the customer's Mykese product wallet account for E-Shoppe.
8.Payoutdate:Yourmonthlyretailsalescommissionincomeearnedwillbepaidintoyour Mykese product walletaccountbetweenthe 1stand5thofevery corresponding month of the closing month for E-Shoppe.
[1]TDS,asperthegovernmentguidelines,if any.
After deduction, the remaining balance amount will be paid into your Mykese product wallet account for E-Shoppe.
10.ThemonthlymaintenancefeeofRs600. willbeautomaticallydeductedfromtheproduct wallet account every month.
11.Delivery:Mykeseregisteredcustomerswillgetdoordeliveryoforders onceamonthin Ahmedabad city, by paying the delivery charges.
Delivery schedule: after 7 days of their order confirmation.
Please check it properly at the time of receiving your ordereddelivery.
12. NointerestwillbepaidforanybalanceamountremainingintheMykeseproductwallet account under any circumstances whatsoever.
13.You,thecustomer,cannotwithdrawhardcash,transferittoanybankaccount,ortransfer it to any other company's E-Wallet account.
14.Onceacustomer'sIDandpasswordaregeneratedwiththeirnameandregisteredmobile number, that customer's registered name and the associated income benefit will continue to be available to that customer throughout their lifetime.
After12monthsfrom thedateofjoining,theregisteredname,mobilenumber,ande-mailID canbe changed by payingthe name transfer fee, and thus you can transfer it to anyone else's or give them to them in inheritance.Once the beneficiary's name is transferred, the associated income benefit will continue to be available maximum 20 years from the date of the first-time name transfer.*T&C apply*
17.Any Indiancitizen can become a customer, butthe companyreservesthe rightto acceptcustomersofits choiceandtorejectthecustomer’sapplicationtojointhe companywithoutassigninganyreasonorexplanation.