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Cumin/Jeera 100gm

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Weight 100 gm

MRP Price Rs. 180.00
Mykese Price Rs. 120.00 /Pc
Estimated Delivery Time : 4
50 Pc Available
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  • jeera or cumin seeds– the quintessential Indian spice is an addition to a number of dishes; be it  dal or as tempering for a dish. But did you know that originally Indians added this spice to their dish, not only for its wonderful flavour and aroma, but also for the number of health benefits it has. This spice can help improve digestion, beat insomnia
  • Due to its high fibre content, jeera boosts the activity of the gastrointestinal tract which in turn stimulates enzyme secretion. This is why jeera powder is commonly  used as a  natural laxative. In fact, its laxative properties are so powerful that Ayurveda practitioners believe that it is capable of preventing and healing severe digestive disorders like piles.
  • The potent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of cumin seed, makes it a great home remedy for cold and asthma. These compounds soothe inflamed muscles and boost your immunity to fight the infection.


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